Happy Thanksgiving!
5,4, 3, 2, 1... Blast Off!!
My sweet son Sam turned FIVE last week!! I can't believe he is already five years old. He really wanted a Buzz Lightyear party and I really did not want to do a character party. I think we came up with a great compromise... little details with Buzz Lightyear and green aliens from the Toy Story movies, and plenty of rockets, space details, and coordinating colors {royal blue and lime green} to pull it all together!
Many more pictures and party details coming soon! I had a photographer come take pictures of the party and I should be getting them tomorrow... I can't wait to see the pictures myself!
All Aboard!!
This weekend I had the pleasure of coordinating this fun Train Party that included tons of bright colors, fun activities, and special touches for our sweet friend, Evan.
This sign greeted party guests at the front door...
Party snacks were set up along the buffet like a train, each snack with a train inspired name.
These adorable little candy trains decorated the tables.
The birthday banner was a huge train I cut on the Cricut... too long to get in one picture!
These train labels from Parties by Hardie were PERFECT!! They come as a pdf file so you can print as many as you need! I used them for the water bottle labels, and tags for the train shaped chocolate candies, the train cookie favors, and to decorate various galvanized tins around the party. Love, love, love these labels!!
The cupcakes were wrapped in train themed paper and topped with fondant trains from Sugar Robot on etsy.com
Party favors included these train sugar cookies that I made.
White chocolate molded train candies I made {and somehow managed to get to the party before my little Jake ate them all!! Silly boy learned how to push a chair around the kitchen to reach up and grab the good stuff!}...
And these party bags for the kids! Inside each bag there was a model train kit, a wooden train whistle, and a train lollipop, along with some other sweet goodies.
It was a fun afternoon for all of the guests who visited Evan's train station!! And now it's time to move on from trains and on to rockets... my own little man is turning five VERY soon!!
Feeling the love in blog land!!
I'm a few days behind here (okay, more like a week and a half... because I'm up to my ears tagging TONS of baby clothes and such for this BIG consigment sale next weekend!) so I just now saw that Jake's Farm Party was featured on one of my favorite party blogs, Simply Creative Insanity!!! I'm thrilled that she featured Jake's party- thank you, thank you!!
Happy Fall!
On the menu:
-Bacon, Apple, Cheddar Quiche
-Apple Streusel Muffins
-Chicken Salad Croissant Sandwiches (with apples and pecans)
-PB&J sandwiches for the kids, shaped like apples
-Apple slices with caramel cream cheese dip
To drink:
-Hot spiced apple cider
-Chilled apple cider
-Coffee (I searched for caramel apple creamer, but couldn't find it... bummer)
-100 % apple juice boxes for the kids
Sweet Treats:
-Red apple cupcakes
-Green apple cupcakes
-Red apple cookies
-Red apple cake pops inspired by Bakerella
Apple Craft for the kids:
Caramel apple making was the main event. I invisioned sticky, gooey messiness, but thanks to the kids being well-occupied with the train tracks upstairs in the toy room, they came downstairs at different times so it was easy to help them make their sweet apple creations.
And no party would be complete without party favors! I was going to have them stamp their own favor bag with apples dipped in paint, but since it was too hot to do that outside and I couldn't handle having all those little ones with paint inside, the bags were plain. They were filled with yummy apple inspired treats.
And moms deserve party favors too!
There were plenty of fun little details, but my favorite detail of them all is this apple drawing that welcomed our guests on the front door, drawn by my 4-year old party co-host Samuel. Happy Fall everyone!
Featured on one of my favorite sites!!
Thank you, Shannon, for featuring sweet Kendall's Fancy Nancy Soiree on your site last week! I love Creative Parties and Showers. I seriously check it every single day. So it was really exciting to see one of my parties on there!!!
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Rice Krispie pops!
I love, love, love cake pops! Bakerella really has perfected the art of cake pops... oh yes, it's art! I cleared my schedule last night to make her adorable apple pops (pictures coming soon), but if you're short on time and still want that "cute" factor, why not try these?
When baking desserts for a rehearsal dinner a few weeks back, I needed something "cute" but also quick and easy. And since it was 129 thousand degrees outside that day, I needed something that wouldn't melt in the heat. I came up with these little Rice Krispie treats on a lollipop stick. Cut with a heart-shaped cookie cutter and tied with a simple ribbon, these little cuties did the trick!
Give-away time!
I found a cute new party blog!! This girl has super cute stuff and she's brand new... and she's having a give-away. So hop on over to her blog and leave her a comment by Sunday night to be entered to win!! If you win, I'll make you coordinating cookies for your next party :)
A sweet rehearsal dinner
Apple Cake Pops
It's Apple Season!!
I don't know about you, but we are SO ready for Fall here. The boys and I are celebrating the beginning of the season this week with a little Caramel Apple Party!
They each chose a few of their favorite friends (and their sweet mamas) to come over for brunch, apple craft, and caramel apple making!! I wish we could've invited more, but we're trying to stick to a budget here... something I'm infamous for being really, really bad at doing!
These adorable apple cupcakes are on the menu for dessert. I found them here and love any excuse to make them!
More apple pictures coming soon!
Arghhh, Matey!
Sweet Sydney!
Flower Girl Party!
Every girl deserves a birthday party... even if you are a 27 year old mama! Here are a few details from my SIL's birthday party in San Diego this week. The bright, fun colors were perfect for her casual pool & pizza party. Happy Birthday Mandy!
The King of the Jungle Baby Shower!
I can't believe my cute little nephew, Zach, is already over six months old... time goes so fast! Back in December, my mom and I hosted this baby shower for his mama. It was full of zebra print and other jungle animal prints, we worked animals into the games, and even the food had names that went along with the theme. It was a fun break from the usual baby blue baby booties!
There's the cute zebra striped invitation on the right...
The water bottles were wrapped in various jungle animal prints.
Food that matched the theme {all with cute little labels on jungle print paper}
And these cute little monkey cupcakes were fun too.
We had a small candy bar with homemade sugar cookies {giraffes and elephants} for the party guests to take home.
The take out containers for the candy were one of my favorite party details!
And the cookies were a hit too!
Even some of the gifts matched the jungle theme... so cute!
It was a great baby shower for Mandy and we're thrilled that it was a success!
Oooh... I'm loving this!
Today while blog surfing, I clicked from here and there to there to there and ended up here...
Bake It Pretty
I have a little wish list of all the little baking pretties I want {need}!!

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About Me
- Laurie
- So Cal, California
- I'm a busy stay at home mom with two of the sweetest little guys in the world, with our third boy in the oven! I love paper, ribbon and parties!
I have always been in love with the little details that make any occasion memorable. Ever since I had my own kids, planning their birthday parties has become a passion of mine. I started this blog to share some of my own parties with you, as well as inspiration I find from other party blogs!
Email me:
Party Planning Eye Candy
- Amy Atlas
- Bakerella
- Celebrations at Home
- Creative Parties and Showers
- Everyday Celebrating
- Head of the Table
- Hostess with the Mostess
- Jackaroo Love
- Kara's Party Ideas
- little ant design
- Martha Stewart
- One Pretty Thing
- P is for Party
- Parties by Hardie
- Polka Dots and Pirates
- Stem* Fabulous Parties Start Here
- Style Me Pretty
- Tangarang
- The Lolliladies
- TomKat studio